Curamed SH/BF sodiumhyaluronate


Curamed ® SH / BF 1.4% / 1.8% / 2.5% *  syringe contents : 1.5 ML


is a Cohesive, high viscosity Sodium Hyaluronate based ophthalmic viscoelastic solution designed for routine cataract surgery.

Curamed SH / BF contains Sodium Hyaluronate derived from bacterial fermentation.


It has one of the highest elasticities among Viscoelastics produced using this source.


The viscosity of Curamed SH / BF has been adjusted to provide the highest possible zero shear rate viscosity while allowing unrestricted manipulation during surgery.

It is supplied with a 25 or 27 gauge cannula, which demonstrates its high elastic properties.


o Large volume of 1.5 ML

o Good maintenance of the anterior chamber and the capsular bag

o Controlled capsulorhexis

o Protection of endothelia cells

o Easy injection

o Better adhesiveness on the corneal endothelium during phacoemulsification

o Excellent protection against mechanical damages

o Vacuum Filled



*) Other concentrations on request



Curamed Ophthalmics

De Limiet 15

4131NR Vianen

The Netherlands


Registered address:

Hogelandseweg 20

4132 CW Vianen

The Netherlands


Tel. +31(0) 6143 68476




Chamber of Commerce # : 23064978


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